The Rittenhouse Review is one of the best
blogs around. It's got great comments on politics, economics and Andrew Sullivan. But James M. Capozzola didn't know what he was getting into when he made some comments about -- Rosie O'Donnell.
said that "How about that? It turns out Rosie O'Donnell is just another mediocre potty-mouthed comedian, and a cranky one at that" based on reports about her return to stand up.
Michael Musto of the Village Voice
reported thusly:
Rosie declared, "I'm just a big-mouthed lesbian now," as she proceeded to rip into a variety of big-name targets. It turns out she loathes Sharon Stone (pretentious), Michael Jackson ("a pedophile"), Joan Rivers ("does not look human"), Clinton (a big liar who "really fuckin' pissed me off"), and Anne Heche ("Just admit it—you took the dive for a year, you didn't like it, and you went back to the dick"). Rosie's rage was so vivid that one audience member impulsively yelled, "Jealous!" ("I have better people to be jealous of than Sharon Stone," countered Rosie.) Wait, what happened to the ass-kissy queen of daytime TV? "I had to be nice to people I hated!" she admitted. (At least she's honest about her phoniness, though it's jarring to have it confirmed that we'd been conned all those years.) Less shockingly, Rosie said that, while everyone told her coming out would ruin her career, "I'm the only person it's made more famous."
Well anyway, TRR has touched off a firestorm in the pro-Rosie community -- lots of flaming emails. Here's one he
posted, with his response.
Of course, he's absolutely right.
Does he have a right to be offended by her foul mouth? Sure. I'm normally in favor of potty-mouths -- but Rosie has made her living being bland and non-offensive. In other words, she's a big phoney.
And he's right about her material -- it seems to be that kind of "controversial" topical humor that actually has no weight or meaning. It's like Jay Leno-style political humor -- it's just jokes about politicians, without any content. Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson are a little dated. And I don't think anybody knows that Anne Heche is still alive. Why doesn't she do routines about Pee Wee Herman or Dan Quayle?
Sharon Stone? Is she relevant at all? Joan Rivers has had plastic surgery -- oooooooooooh.
Don't get me started about her coyness on her sexuality, then her exploitation of her coming out in order to peddle her books. I don't care who you are and what you do, or even if you want to conceal your sexuality, but I am offended by her commercial exploitation of her decision.
And did you see
Exit to Eden? Yeeesh.
It doesn't matter that she is a reliable supporter of liberal causes. She's a no-talent. And, according to TRR, who actually knows about the magazine business,
Rosie is in trouble.
So surf on over
The Rittenhouse Review and support James against the forces of darkness.
(Updated because I spelled Jim's last name wrong. I apologize profusely.)