Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Monday, July 22

The more I hear from and about Vermont Governor Howard Dean, the more I like him. He's not as far to the left as I would like, but he's not scared to campaign on important issues, like repealing the tax cut and expanding health coverage. But the real question I have for any Democratic candidate for President is -- Do you have the guts to win?
If there's one thing we learned from Bubba, it's that a Democrat can win, but he (or she) has to be as ruthless as the opposition. I like Gore, but he wimped out in the recount. Do you think Clinton would have let Bush roll over him in Florida. No way.
In fact, other than Carter, Democrats have won the Presidency since 1932 only when they weren't afraid to play hard ball -- to do whatever it took to get elected. Think about FDR, Truman, LBJ, and JFK. They would all do anything to get elected. They knew that there are no rewards for playing nice and being a gentleman.
Gore may be the man to get the White House back. He did actually win the election, after all. But I'm going to support whoever can win.


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