washingtonpost.com - News Front Since the attacks, Americans have been reaching beyond themselves.
Dr. Crankypants says: Insert own joke here.
Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus
washingtonpost.com - News Front Since the attacks, Americans have been reaching beyond themselves.
Nine Day Nation finally available to clamoring public
Chicago Tribune | Minister guilty in nudity case A Pentecostal minister from Carpentersville was convicted of disorderly conduct Friday and sentenced to 2 years of probation for asking two teenage girls for directions while he was naked on a road in Palatine.
The Onion | 26 September 2001 Bush Sr. Apologizes To Son For Funding Bin Laden In '80s
Whatever you do, do not click on this link. Don't say I didn't warn you.
From Salon Because I doubt shallow cynicism ever really did dominate the national mood, I'm happy to join in the chorus of goodbyes to the über-smartass, the kind of "ironist" so detached that heart and head were all but amputated.
Dear Ann:
Two Dead After Twister Touches Down
Jesus Effing Christ!Dow Falls Again In Worst Week Since 1933 (washingtonpost.com) The stock market rebounded from a 300-point plunge this morning but still closed down for the day, resulting in its worst week, in percentage terms, since 1933.
Media Whores Online And then, lack of courage. George W. Bush. Four days later, he arrives in New York. Couldn’t get there sooner because they were targeting Air Force One. So take another plane. This man is so much the captive of his security janissaries they had a by-invitation-only memorial service at the National Cathedral. Leaders take chances. Leaders expose themselves to dangers. Let’s rename Air Force One the White Feather Special.
Not the best review we've ever had.
DEAR ABBY: I agree with "Whistler in Jenks, Okla." -- whistling IS a beautiful art form. How can anyone forget the rendition of "The Whistler and His Dog" performed by the world-famous Cowboy Band of Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas? Or the sexy whistling lesson Lauren Bacall gave to Humphrey Bogart in the classic film "To Have and Have Not"? Or the Seven Dwarfs who found joy in whistling while they worked?
Could we get some otherwise normal humans and somehow persuade them that they are not going to die as a consequence of flying a plane smack into a skyscraper? If only! Nobody is that stupid, but how about this - it's a long shot, but it just might work. Given that they are certainly going to die, couldn't we sucker them into believing that they are going to come to life again afterwards? Don't be daft! No, listen, it might work. Offer them a fast track to a Great Oasis in the Sky, cooled by everlasting fountains. Harps and wings wouldn't appeal to the sort of young men we need, so tell them there's a special martyr's reward of 72 virgin brides, guaranteed eager and exclusive.
Welcome to CounterPunch One very highly placed denizen of the Clinton White House is giving friends a rather different reason why Cheney is sequestered far from the press cameras at Camp David. It seems that President Bush's widely ridiculed journey from Sarasota, Florida, through Barksdale AFB outside Shreveport, Louisiana, to a Strategic Air Command bunker outside Omaha, Nebraska, took place at the urging on none other than vice president Cheney. It was the vice president, on this account, who insisted that Bush not return directly to Washington, on grounds that the journey was too fraught with danger.
Salon.com Life | Now more than ever Walking down Houston Street in New York this afternoon, in what a few days ago was the shadow of the Twin Towers, a woman lowered the umbrella that had been shielding her daughter and herself from the tapering rain. "Those were God's tears," she explained to her little girl.
The New Yorker: From the Archive Soaring above the lower end of Manhattan Island is the world's largest cluster of tall buildings, whose oblongs, spires, and turrets have, since this century began, given New York the most spectacular skyline anywhere. Each one of the towers whose upper extremities pierce the clouds is rooted, below the city's surface, in a huge, unseen structure that may itself be the size of a ten-story building. The finishing touches are now being put on the biggest foundation in the world, which is below what are, as of now, the highest pair of buildings in the world. These are the twin hundred-and-ten-story towers of the World Trade Center, built for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Nine or ten good-sized office or apartment buildings could have been fitted into the hole that was dug for the Trade Center, and the foundation proper is six times as large as that of the usual fifty-story skyscraper and four times as large as its closest competitor—the basement of the neighboring sixty-story Chase Manhattan Bank Building.
The Fight Against Insanity and Stupidity Never Stops
So far relatively few have used this terrible tragedy for political points. Here is what Jerry Falwell said on the 700 Club: "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'" Pat Robertson concurred: "Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted their agenda at the highest levels of our government." I cannot express how personally wounded I and so many others are by his attempt to associate many Americans - some of whom were victims of this evil and some of whom were heroes - with the demons who carried it out. It is unspeakably wrong and inappropriate. We are at war. We must stand together or we will fail.
History News Network -- 9-13-01 If bin Laden is responsible for these atrocities, he and the Taliban government that is his ally and friend are Frankenstein monsters of the U.S. rightwingers and cold warriors who trained them, armed them, and proclaimed them "heroic freedom fighters" in the 1980s. As the old German conservative Prime Minister Konrad Adenauer said to Dwight Eisenhower about Joe McCarthy in the 1950s, it is not so easy to get rid of such people once you create them (Adenauer was alluding to the German establishment's experience with Hitler). It is important that bin Laden's cold war and CIA connections not be forgotten, as were Saddam Hussein's and Manuel Noriega's.
History News Network -- 9-13-01
TAP: Web Feature: Fighting Fanaticism With Fanaticism. by Chris Mooney. September 13, 2001. "We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
A President Faces the Test Of a Lifetime Everyone wants a president to be strong in a crisis. Meeting later that day, in secret, at Capitol Police headquarters, Lott joined 70 senators, Republican and Democrat, in wishing for just that. But it quickly became apparent that no one—including Lott—had the faintest idea where the president was. Lott and Democratic leader Tom Daschle had spoken to Vice President Cheney but not to Bush himself. “People were angry and full of questions,” said a senator who was there. Senators were especially angry when White House communications aide Karen Hughes emerged in Washington to assure the nation that the president was safe. “We didn’t need her to tell us he was all right,” said another senator. “We needed him to tell us that we are all right. They missed the point.”
AlterNet -- A Media Day In2 Historically, when national and local media respond to a breaking emergency, speculation and hyperbole take over. On Tuesday morning we witnessed, again, how powerful media images can electrify a world instantly; and, how we in the media sometimes use our power irresponsibly.
Anyone who writes or says that this is "a loss of our innocence" is guilty of committing nonsense. How many times have we lost our inncocence? When Keneddy was killed, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, when we found out about Monica? We've never had innocence -- although we have been guilty of deliberate blindness. Like when we thought supporting Iraq was a good idea, or supporting the coup against the Diem regime.
Pearl Harbor isn't the right analogy. New York is now one with Dresden, Hiroshima, London, Nagasaki -- cities scarred forever by death from above.
Hints From Heloise (washingtonpost.com) Dear Heloise: I have a collection of the empty canisters that come with the purchase of 35 mm film. They seem so handy for other uses, but I have not come up with any.
Hints From Heloise (washingtonpost.com) Dear Heloise: I enjoy reading your columns. Here is an idea you might like to use:
There's Help for Drivers -- in the Classroom (washingtonpost.com) Dear Dr. Gridlock:
The Brunching Shuttlecocks | More Stuff From The Airline Catalog The Authentic Balducci Beef Wellington
I missed the Redskins game, but I certainly heard about it. For those of you who don't keep up on important current events, the score was 30-3, with the Chargers (who won one game last year) winning. I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I'm upset thatthe SKins lost. On the other, it vindicates my belief that they stink. I believe this phenomenon is what the Germans call Schottenfreude.
Today's Daily Comment from American Politics Yet another GOP moral arbiter has been caught with his pants down (I know, I know; Republican exposed as hypocrite, sun rises in east. But I digress...). This time, the exposed Republican hypocrite is none other than the Wall Street Journal's moralist-in-chief, Council for National Policy member (and allegedly fervent anti-abortionist) John Fund.
His Magnificent Obsession And why can George W. Bush think of nothing but a missile shield? Our president is caught in the grip of an obsession worthy of literature.
Proof that I shaved my head just as it got uncool -- see this Cathy strip.
Hey, Kids!
Remember! If it turns out you were adopted, do not misbehave in any way, or your
parents will sell you to the gypsies.
Students returned to school Monday at the Maryland Institute College of Art, formerly known as the Maryland Institute, College of Art.
DEAR ABBY: The letter from the man who can't stay out of strip clubs reminded me of my husband. He goes two, three, sometimes four times a week. For a long time he tried to hide it. Now he goes openly. He says he won't change, and if I don't like it -- too bad.
She was a giant.
DEAR ABBY: I am a pretty 29-year-old woman living in a conservative area in Canada. I have always been comfortable with my statuesque body. My boyfriend loves that I dress flatteringly -- or even downright provocatively!
Dear Sexy Canuck:
Anyone who wonders if they can wear a thong should not wear a thong.
--Dr. Crankypants
--Cartoon Girls That I Wanna Nail-- realize that a grown man like myself should be way past his fetish for animated beauty, but I swear, the older I get, the more beautiful the cartoons get. It's disgusting. I can't wait 'til I have kids so that I can have an excuse for watching cartoons. As it is now, I am a twenty one year old "boy" who watches Batman and the X-Men 'cause they draw the breasts better in those cartoons than in others. And don't even get me started on the Sailor Scouts!! Christ almighty, I would love to dive into their little outfits!! This obsession is bad, I know this. But that doesn't stop me from picking up some new comics to see if there has been any new female characters introduced. I'm getting pathetic.
FAIR MEDIA ADVISORY: Media Downplay Bigotry of Jesse Helms As an aide to the 1950 Senate campaign of North Carolina Republican candidate Willis Smith, Helms reportedly helped create attack ads against Smith's opponent, including one which read: "White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories? Frank Graham favors mingling of the races." Another ad featured photographs Helms himself had doctored to illustrate the allegation that Graham's wife had danced with a black man. (The News and Observer, 8/26/01; The New Republic, 6/19/95; The Observer, 5/5/96; Hard Right: The Rise of Jesse Helms, by Ernest B. Furgurson, Norton, 1986)
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are planning to have a child. We've been told we're an attractive couple, and my husband often mentions what a "good-looking" child we will have. He also discusses the "cute pug nose" that runs on his side of the family.