Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Monday, April 29

Frat Boys Rule The Earth

It's an angry, violent, warmongering world out there right now. You just live in it

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

You can feel it. We're aching to annihilate Iraq. Craving some nuclear explosions in any of seven newly minted enemies. Actively avoiding the Middle East conflict like the plague, terrified our alliances could be imperiled, our oil interests compromised, Bush family friendships endangered.

World War III will not be two egomaniacal superpowers battling for supremacy and bragging rights. It will be scattershot and bewildering, a hundred different battles fought on a hundred different fronts for a thousand ever-shifting reasons, each and every one twisted and distorted by regulation GOP spin doctors who somehow convince the bulk of the populace that it's somehow patriotic to be cavity searched and fingerprinted and beaten with a stick when you buy groceries.

We are so close. We are on the verge of something very dangerous and irreversible. You can hear Dick Cheney breathing hard, just aching to press The Button. The human animal is capable of staggering atrocities and deadly choices and the thick-necked frat boys in charge right now are the most darkly capable we've suffered in decades.

Sunday, April 28

Molly Ivins making sense:

From September 1993, when the Oslo peace process started, to September 2000, when Sharon visited the Temple Mount, 519 Palestinians and 287 Israelis were killed in the conflict. From September 2000 to mid-April, 1,620 Palestinians and 440 Israelis were killed. Would somebody tell me why that's good for the Jews?

Jewish Babe of the Week: Jamie Lynn Sigler

Friday, April 26

Adam Magazine on the web:

"It's very hot, it's very anal!" - Adam Magazine

Thursday, April 25

All I can say about Karen Hughes resigning her position as Whoite House Communications Director: Whenever anyone says they are quitting to spend more time with their family, they are lying.

Monday, April 22

Jewish Babe and Criminal Defendant of the Week: Winona Ryder

Tuesday, April 16

Stupid or Brilliant? You be the judge.

The female formula of Sweet Release changes her fluids to a delicious soft citrus flavor and the men?s formula changes his fluids to a wonderful crisp hard apple. Sweet Release adds the incomparable taste and scent of succulent fruit to our oral sex lives.

Scott Shuger in Slate on the pictures of John Walker Lindh being riduculed by U.S. Soldiers:

This episode illustrates two cultural norms that have arisen in this country since 9/11. 1) The war against terror is at bottom all about the feelings we naturally have as a result of what was done to us. Any soldier who'd risked his life and lost some buddies would naturally feel that way if he got his hands on Lindh, right? 2) What we are trying to do against terrorism trumps every other value. In this mentality, the Geneva Convention becomes suddenly dispensable.

Dispatches from the edge of sanity:

An action man-style doll of Tony Blair is being dramatically outsold by the Osama bin Laden figure, it emerged today.

The plastic prime minister, complete with fixed grin, ruffled hair and dressed in an army uniform, has not sold a single model in its first six weeks on offer.

By contrast, sales of the Bin Laden doll on US-based internet site,, are already approaching 5,000.

Monday, April 15

Attention, Richard: Here's someone who was drunk while his wife was giving birth. Evidently, it's frowned upon.

My main ambition when my wife went into labor was to be sober. Three years ago, when our first child was born, I'd been rushing to finish a book. I'd suspected, rightly, that it would be impossible to reconcile book production with new fatherhood. To finish the manuscript before the baby arrived I'd taken to drinking several cups of coffee after dinner and working right through the night. I'd quit around 4 in the morning, then knock myself out with cheap wine. When Tabitha's water broke I'd just thrown back a third glass of unsentimental Chardonnay. I'd wound up driving her to the hospital at 5 miles per hour and then, somewhat dramatically, passing out on her delivery room bed. I'd woken up just in time to witness the birth of my first child

Saturday, April 13

Jewish Babe of the Week: Miss Israel 2000 Ilanit Levi

Most of the young women competing for the Miss Universe title had nice plans when they left Puerto Rico last weekend: modeling contracts, university studies, jobs, or vacations with their boyfriends.
Miss Israel Ilanit Levi, however, faced something a bit more grueling: basic training.

An outstanding column by Frank Rich.

Peacekeepers, of course, are to Mr. Bush a synonym for nation-building, which he regards as a no-no. If there's a consistent pattern to the administration's arrogance, it's that when the president has an idée fixe of almost any sort on any subject — from the Bush Doctrine on down — it remains fixed in perpetuity, not open to question, even as a world as complex and fast-changing as ours calls out for rethinking.

Never mind that Sept. 11 was the most graphic demonstration imaginable that a missile shield may not be the most useful vessel for our ever more precious defense dollars; it's still full speed ahead. Nor has the bursting of the stock-market bubble dampened Mr. Bush's conviction that Americans should entrust their Social Security savings to his campaign contributors from Wall Street's investment houses. Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, once pitched as a quick fix to the (fleeting) California energy crisis, is now being sold as an antidote to our Middle Eastern woes (because some 10 years from now it may reduce our oil imports by 4 or 5 percent). The Bush tax cut, conceived at a time of endless surpluses and peace, is still touted as the perfect economic plan even now that the surpluses are shot and we are at war. In this administration, one size idea, however slender or dubious, fits all.

Thursday, April 11

It's a fun game. Then you can get the answer to questions like "My cousin and I are very much in love, and would like to get married. But isn't it illegal in the United States?"

Words of Wisdom

When all of you enter this way of living, following us, being able to share everything with others, capable of working in this manner and of presenting your work to all with love, but all of you in this way, it will make a difference. ...

The cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades Ptaah.

Wednesday, April 10

Go here. Be ready for Flash. Watch out for blood.

Jewish Babe of the Week: Brooke Burke

Jewish Babe of the Week: Brooke Burke

Babe with a Bad Job of the Week

Babe with a Bad Job of the Week

Monday, April 1

Christopher Hitchens on the Queen Mum:

The tabloid-and-tapestry view of the matter depends, as usual, on pretending that important moments in British history never actually occurred. In other words, we will be treated to innumerable photographs of her waving from the balcony of the palace, on VE day, on the Queen's last jubilee and on her own centennial. But nobody will care to reproduce the picture of her first appearance outside those famous windows, which was the occasion of the welcome given to Neville Chamberlain on his return from Munich. The prime minister's capitulation to Hitler received the royal warrant, in public, in front of cheering crowds, before he had to submit himself to the inconvenience of explaining himself to parliament. The court historian John Grigg (formerly Lord Altrincham) did not exaggerate when he described this as "the most unconstitutional act by a British sovereign in the present century". Nor was the Queen a mere hand-waving accessory to her husband in this conciliation of the Nazis. Philip Ziegler, official biographer of Edward VIII and a man with his own "access" to the Queen Mother, records that she was an enthusiastic seconder of the King's long campaign first to retain Chamberlain or, in default of that, to make the even more reactionary Lord Halifax prime minister, and at any cost to keep Churchill out of office.

Jewish Babe of the Week: Lindsey Vuolo
Playboy's Playmate of the Month, November 2001

"I'm proud to be Jewish, and I'm proud to have this title," Vuolo said in an interview. "I don't think any of the girls are looked at as just sex objects in [Playboy], because the pictures are done tastefully. It's a classy magazine."

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