What the Fuck is wrong with people?
Here are results of a recent Pew Center poll on religion in American life.
Summary of Findings: Religion A Strength And Weakness For Both Parties: "The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, conducted July 7-17 among 2,000 adults, also finds deep religious and political differences over questions relating to evolution and the origins of life. Overall, about half the public (48%) says that humans and other living things have evolved over time, while 42% say that living things have existed in their present form since the beginning of time. Fully 70% of white evangelical Protestants say that life has existed in its present form since the beginning of time; fewer than half as many white mainline Protestants (32%) and white Catholics (31%) agree.
Despite these fundamental differences, most Americans (64%) say they are open to the idea of teaching creationism along with evolution in the public schools, and a substantial minority (38%) favors replacing evolution with creationism in public school curricula. While much of this support comes from religious conservatives, these ideas -- particularly the idea of teaching both perspectives -- have a broader appeal. Even many who are politically liberal and who believe in evolution favor expanding the scope of public school education to include teaching creationism. But an analysis of the poll also reveals that there are considerable inconsistencies between people's beliefs and what they want taught in the schools, suggesting some confusion about the meaning of terms such as 'creationism' and 'evolution.' "
Darwin published Origin of the Species in 1859, and still it's a matter of controversy in these United States.
No wonder we are such a fucked up country.
People believe what they need to believe. And what we most need to believe is that we belong to something greater than ourselves. Religion is the way in which most of us express that need.
Is it easier to live a conscious life where you are responsible for all of your actions and reactions? Or is it easier to have an unknowable Other onto whom you can project your fears, inadequacies, and despair. We've seen enough psycho-babble on Oprah, let alone Jerry Springer, to know that the latter is true in human-to-human relationships. Why wouldn't it hold true in human-to-government or human-to-god relationships as well?
Yes, this country is fucked up. Seeing that and understanding it is not even half a battle, let alone most of the war. Teaching through action and example is usually the best way to change the public's perception and views.
It is not only a matter of our country being fucked up, it is the species as a whole. The human race has been plagued by the anchor of greed since time in memoriam. Greed was only alloted to the rich and powerful until the Industrial Revolution sprang forth. Since then, greed has been increasingly available to the masses. The masses have taken the ball and run away with it. Now everyone has access to greed, more or less. This does not bode well for our species. I'm not an advocate for freedom restriction at all, just letting you all know what the species has in store for itself. Our species will find a way to destroy itself, and all in the name of God. Something that does not exist will be the reason why our species fails!
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