Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Thursday, October 23

The "Partial-Birth" Myth - No, it's not a birth. By William Saletan

The "Partial-Birth" Myth - No, it's not a birth. By William Saletan: "President Bush exploits the same illusion. In his State of the Union address this year, he said the bill would 'protect infants at the very hour of their birth.'

That's just false. This procedure doesn't take place anywhere near the appointed hour of birth. If you paid close attention to the Senate debate, you might have noticed the part where Santorum said the procedure was performed 'at least 20 weeks, and in many cases, 21, 22, 23, 24 weeks [into pregnancy], and in rarer cases, beyond that.' He didn't clarify how many of these abortions took place past the 20th week. A full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks. In 1992, the Supreme Court mentioned that viability could 'sometimes' occur at 23 or 24 weeks. Santorum described a 1-pound fetus as 'a fully formed baby,' noting that while it was only at 20 weeks gestation, it had a complete set of features and extremities. But according to the National Center for Health Statistics, the survival rate for babies born weighing 500 grams or less%u2014that's 1 pound, 1 ounce or less%u2014is 14 percent."


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