On the Security Council Resolution
A Toothless Resolution - Even if the Security Council approves the U.S. proposal, it won't change a thing in Iraq. By Fred Kaplan: " The resolution essentially changes nothing. Its drafters have paid lip service to accelerating the process of Iraqi self-governance and strengthening the United Nations' role in this process. But a close reading of the resolution indicates that all power remains in American hands, that no real authority is transferred to the United Nations, and that a new Iraqi government remains a long way off.
The resolution may pass, but the act will have no effect. It will not compel or persuade other countries to donate money or manpower. Nor will it convince anyone who needs convincing on the ground in Iraq that the U.S. occupation is short-term or legitimate. In short, the resolution fails to accomplish the main diplomatic tasks at hand%u2014to share the burdens of building postwar Iraq and to quell the violent resistance so the rebuilding can proceed securely."
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