Lean Left on what went wrong.
Lean Left
By not offering an alternative to Bush's horrible economic policy, by not offering an explicit condemnation of the laisze fair business practices that have resulted in so much corruption, by not attacking Bush as the partisan hack is he truly is, the Democrats were essentially waiting for a miracle to save them. You cannot get people to vote for you if you do not give them a reason to. Waiting for Bush to self-destruct is wishful thinking - the media in this country is simply too conservative to go after a conservative president on their own. Someone must beat the drum.
Now, for the little bit of good news. The Democrats have not yet begun to fight. Bush has essentially been handed a walk for the first two years of his presidency. More than likely, this disaster ends that walk. The process started with Iraq. More House Dems voted against the measure than for it, because we made it clear to them that principled opposition could work. The individual members have realized that appeasement is not working. Last night should have convinced the holdouts. If nothing else, the fact that Bush campaigned against every single Democrat who voted for his signature tax cut should make it perfectly clear that there is no point in going along with the President. "Me too, but nicer" did not work, and will not work. A blind man can see that, now.
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