I was going to watch Michael Moore on Donahue last night. I surfed on over to MSNBC -- and instead of Michale Moore, they had a special report on the DC sniper. Now, I live in DC, and was following the story most of the day yesterday. By the time 8 pm rolled around, here was the sum total of actual news to be reported:
1) the shooting near Richmond was by the sniper;
2) Chief Moose was sending cryptic messages to the sniper; and
3) two poor dumb bastards were arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
That's it. That should take, maybe, 10 minutes to report. But MSNBC had to hype the story. Bear this in mind: No one knows what they are talking about. It's all speculation and bloviation.
MSNBC could be reporting on the way that the President routinely lies to make his case for the war. Or to discuss the issues (rather than the horserace) in the election. But I guess, if it bleeds it leads.
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