Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Tuesday, June 11

The Washington Post has a very good editorial on the danger to constitutional liberties by the Administration's actions in the Dirty Bomber matter.
Detaining Americans ( Less encouraging are the events that followed his arrest. Mr. al Muhajir has been held for a month in secret by the Justice Department -- apparently as a material witness -- and he has now been transferred to the custody of the military and is being treated as an enemy detainee. This transfer appears to have been accomplished not as a result of a court order but at the sole discretion of the president and his administration. Administration officials acknowledged yesterday that as a citizen, Mr. al Muhajir cannot be tried before a military commission. So the idea seems to be to hold him indefinitely as a combatant -- in a war that the administration has repeatedly stated is no temporary state of hostilities but a permanent new reality. Asked if Mr. al Muhajir even had a lawyer, Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson conspicuously spoke in the past tense: "He was being held under the authority of a federal judge, and he had legal representation in connection with that." Yes, but what about now that he is being held by the military without judicial oversight?


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