Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Tuesday, June 25

Some more thoughts on men and college:

I don't think that I'm oppressed-- in fact, I am well aware that I am one of the people most advantaged by American society. I'm white, male, straight, above-average in intelligence, and I went to outstanding schools in one of the most affluent suburbs in America. (Montgomery County, MD). I did not mean to imply that I was or have been the oppressed. And I don't think that I identify with my oppressors, as Instapundit wonders. (Although I could be wrong).

Maybe I'm lucky, but I have never been exposed to the kind of all-men-are-rapists (or potential rapists) rhetoric that Jenn Fuller states is rampant. Perhaps it is, and if so, it is one of the excesses I referred to. But I'm not sure that such a belief is really that widespread. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm just too knee-jerk a liberal too notice.

However, I think my point is still valid. The vast majority of colleges and universities in this country favored wealthy white men in their admissions, social attitudes, honors and policies. If in the last twenty years or so there has been a concerted effort to try and make higher education more accommodating to people who are not straight white men, that only seems fair to me. I don't believe that every change that helps women is anti-men, just as allowing blacks into college isn't anti white.

Let's not forget that colleges are traditionally bastions of the elite. Weren't their Jewish quotas in the Ivy League into the 60s?

Fuller states:
Magazine's cluelessness about other men is striking - he really seems to think that either you're a sensitive theater major or a hulking brute, with nothing in between.

I will always plead guilty to cluelessness, but my view of my fellow men isn't that black and white.

Its been fun being in my first real blog debate.


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