Everyone said that September 11 would change everything. It didn't.
If Bush really meant what he says, he wouldn't be trying for more tax cuts for corporations and the rich. He would raise taxes. War is expensive, and we always raise taxes when we are at war. But September 11 changed nothing.
If September 11 changed everything, then corporations would keep factories open in the US and not ship jobs to countries with cheaper labor. But patriotism evidently stops when the commercials go off the air.
If September 11 changed everything, we might think twice about supporting oppressive regimes (Saudi Arabia, China, the Stans) and right-wing death squads (Colombia, the Philippines). But evidently September 11 did not change everything.
If September 11 changed everything, we might realize that all Americans are part of the nation. But the reaction to Tom Daschle's mild comments shows that the belief that liberal=un-American still holds.
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