Huns in the News! is, as always, your source for news of nomadic barbarians. A group of Hungarians who claim descent from Attilla the Hun are seeking recognition as a seperate ethnic group.
Bonus fun fact: Magyars (ethnic Hungarians) are not descendants of the Huns.
Origin of the word "Hungarian"
The word derives from the old Slavic word og(?)r- for the proto-Magyars. Through Germanic languages, the word got into other European languags ((H)ungarus, (H)ungarn, Vengry etc.). The Slavic word is thought to be derived from the bulgaro-turkic Onogur, which could have arisen because the proto-Magyars were neighbours of the Empire of the Onogurs in the 6th century, whose leading tribal union was called the "Onogurs" (meaning "ten tribes").
The H- in many languages (Hungarians, Hongrois, Hungarus etc.) is a later error. It was taken over from the word "Huns", which was a similar semi-nomadic tribe living some 400 years earlier in present-day Hungary and having a similar way of life. In ancient times and in the middle ages such false identifications (Huns=Hungarians) often occurred in history and literature.
Still, Hun names like Attila and RĂ©ka are popular among Hungarians, and forms derived from Latin Hungaria are used like in the racetrack Hungaroring (mostly due to the strong English language pressure in tourism and international matters). From Wikipedia
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