All Bush does is lie. Remember that.
Eric Alterman: Altercation It’s not that Blair’s not important; he is, particularly when compared to ”The Matrix.” But let’s keep a sense of proportion. George W. Bush deliberately misled the country to launch an unnecessary war that will embroil this country in what could be decades of chaos, mayhem and murder, and cost us hundreds of billions and quite possibly trillions, while destroying the nation’s fiscal health in the process. And Bush’s silly schoolyard boasts to the contrary, bin Laden is still free to kill our people and reconstitute al-Qaida, which remains a genuine threat to civilization everywhere. So I have to say that I wish people would pay a bit more attention to the fact that Bush’s lies actually killed people and will continue to do so. Take a look at this report and tell me you have confidence in the ability of these people to be the imperial masters of Iraq.
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