Yes, these people will exploit anything in order to aid the rich.
Bush Administration Using War to Justify Its Tax Cut ( With the nation at war, the White House has introduced a new justification for President Bush's $726 billion tax cut: Do it for the troops.
Three times in the past week, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer has urged the passage of Bush's tax cut, as he put it Monday, "to make sure that the economy can grow and that jobs can be created, so that when our men and women in the military return home, they'll have jobs to come home to."
Democrats and some moderate Republicans argue just the opposite: that Bush's tax cut is antithetical to the war effort and to a variety of defense and domestic causes in need of government funding. As evidence of this, the Senate voted yesterday to slash Bush's tax cut in half, to about $350 billion. Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) attributed the vote to "concern about the cost and the uncertainty" of the Iraq war. "We've never cut taxes in time of war," he said.
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