Meanwhile, some nut in a tractor brings DC to its knees. : FBI to Detain Saddam Sympathizers in U.S. Under "Operation Liberty Shield," several federal agencies are taking new precautions, among them:
Increased security is present at potential targets around the country. Some streets in Beverly Hills, Calif., have been shut down. Flight restrictions have been imposed over cities including Washington and New York City, and also over Disneyland and Disneyworld. Around-the-clock armed guards are watching over some synagogues.
Every "high-interest" vessel arriving or departing from American ports will have armed Coast Guard sea marshals on board, closely watching the ship's crew and ensuring that it makes its port call safely. The Coast Guard will enforce security zones in and around critical infrastructure sites in key ports. The agency has recently called up 3,000 reservists to help the operation.
In the nation's capital, White House tours have been suspended and pedestrian traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue has been banned.
More agents and patrol units will be monitoring borders and Customs officials will increase screenings of vehicles.
State governors have been asked to provide more police and National Guard forces at select bridges and railroad companies will be asked to increase security measures at major facilities and rail hubs. Private railroad companies will also monitor shipments of hazardous materials.
The Department of Agriculture is urging producer companies to increase its security measures, inspect all vehicles and monitor all visitors to their facilities.
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