Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Saturday, March 22

The Independent -- an outstanding editorial.

Argument What we cannot do is share the wish of some protesters that the war is suddenly stopped without a resolution of any sort, an absurdly unrealistic and therefore meaningless aspiration. It is more constructive to focus on the conduct of the war. Most immediately, it is important that Iraqi prisoners of war are treated humanely and that political leaders mean what they say when they insist that the military campaign is carefully targeted. Once the conflict is over, we should turn our attention, in its aftermath, to reconstruction. We welcome Mr Blair's apparent determination to ensure that the UN and the European Union are fully involved in the political and economic reconstruction of Iraq. Whether the US will accept such a proposition remains to be seen. There is little evidence that George Bush and his colleagues have given much thought to what happens afterwards, beyond handing out contracts to their friends in the private sector. The aftermath of war might provide an opportunity for the fractured international community to reunite. More broadly, Mr Blair must repair relations with some of his partners in the EU. This will not be easy after the ministerial onslaught against France but, as the EU Commissioner Chris Patten observed last week, the European project is doomed if Britain and France cannot work together. The Prime Minister should also reflect on the wisdom of his alliance with a divided US administration that, on the one hand, has left the moderate Colin Powell isolated and, on the other, is clearly so diplomatically inept.

Let us hope that this conflict is short, for the sake of the troops and the Iraqi civilians. Let us hope also that the aftermath is handled with much greater skill and sensitivity than the clumsy and confused build- up to an unnecessary war.


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