Privatizing war -- one other thing that's wrong with what the Administrations is doing
We use private military contractors in a wide variety of roles -- from support services to Karzai's bodyguards. Among other major drawbacks of using mercenaries, is that they are not subject to American civil or military justice.
The New Republic Online: Out of Service
In practice, then, America's freelance warriors are free to misbehave--and to escape the consequences. When a number of DynCorp employees working in Bosnia were recently found to be running a sex-slavery ring, the Army's Criminal Investigation Division dropped its inquiry after determining the men fell outside of its jurisdiction. U.S. courts proved to be similarly impotent, and the fragile, corrupt Bosnian legal system did no better. Similarly, if Karzai's new bodyguards decide to flout the law in Afghanistan, a nation with ample opportunity for profiteering and corruption, there is very little that anyone--Karzai, the Pentagon, or U.S. courts--will be able to do about it.
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