Adam Magazine on the Crazy Years

Looting, killing and raping -- by twisting their words they call it "empire"; and wherever they have created a wilderness they call it "peace" -- Tacitus

Sunday, August 19

More from the Gentiles are wacky file.
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is set for a nationwide theatrical release in November.

But far from Hollywood, in a Merritt Island church, a pastor is circulating his own Harry Potter movie.

The little-known video - "Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged: Making Evil Look Innocent" - claims the very books embraced by parents and educators for leading children to literature also can lure youngsters into witchcraft.

The one-hour video has been shown to hundreds of people in 11 churches across Brevard County, though one of its creators is marketing the movie in Jacksonville this weekend and hopes to eventually reach an even broader audience.

"This is just an itty-bitty video going up against a multimillion dollar deal," said Robert McGee, associate pastor at the First Baptist Church of Merritt Island, who helped create the film. "But we want to educate parents. We want them to see the truth about these books."

The truth, according to the video, is that "children as young as kindergarten are being introduced to human sacrifice, the sucking of blood from dead animals and possession by spirit beings."

"I've read the Potter books and they are wonderfully written," McGee said. "But we're not talking about the Smurfs here. Children are learning the elements of witchcraft in the context of being told it's the greatest thing since sliced bread."


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